COVID-19 Safety at WEM
Are face coverings required at WEM?
It is optional for students and staff at WEM to wear a face covering and may elect to wear a face shield as well.
Which guidelines are you following to ensure safety?
- Washington State Department of Health (All Ages)
- Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (K-6)
- Department of Children, Youth, and Families (Preschool-age Children)
Smaller is Safer
With a 12:1 student-to-teacher ratio at our preschool and lower elementary levels (15:1 in our upper elementary classroom), WEM offers more direct-instruction time in a smaller class setting during on-campus schooling.
What is the maximum class size at WEM?
Based on square footage, WEM can accommodate up to 24 students per classroom while ensuring the required social distancing protocols. Smaller class sizes and lower student-to-teacher ratios allow WEM to manage required social distancing protocols more safely, creating a safer environment for students and staff. Smaller classroom cohorts may be in place to begin the school year.
What is WEM doing to address safety?
- HEPA filtration systems in all classrooms
- Hand sanitizing stations inside each classroom door
- iOS/Android App for touch-free arrival and departure
- iOS/Android App for contact tracing and exposure reporting protocols
- Stocked supplies of hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves
- OpenWorks professional cleaning services contracted for daily, deep-cleaning procedures
COVID-19 Protocols at WEM
If you carpool and one occupant is sick, all carpool families will need to stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without medication.
Your child will be asked to go home during drop off if they have a fever.
If a child’s temperature is at 99 degrees, we will check it regularly. If the child’s temperature goes up, we will call and ask you to pick up your child.
If your child is not feeling well and has a cough, runny nose, or other cold symptoms, please keep them and their siblings home to avoid spreading the illness to other students.
If you, your child, or anyone in your household tests positive for COVID, quarantine for 10 days.
WEM highly recommends that if you and your family are traveling domestically or internationally, you get tested 3-5 days after your trip. Students may return to school immediately following travel, but must be masked until they take an at home COVID test and have notified the school of their test results.
Regardless of vaccination status, any student who is potentially exposed to COVID-19 should:
- Monitor for symptoms for 5 days at home.
- Get tested 3-5 days after their last exposure. Molecular (PCR/NAAT), antigen, and at home tests are acceptable. If they test positive, they must isolate.
- If the test is negative , they can come to school but must wear a mask for 5 days.
A student, child, or staff who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to isolate at home, regardless of vaccination status:
- The isolation period is 10 full days from the start of symptoms or the date of positive test.
- The individual may return to school/care after 5 full days of isolation if:
- Their symptoms have improved, or they are asymptomatic, AND
- They are without a fever for the past 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications.
- AND IF returning to school/care days 6-10, the individual is required to:
- Test negative with an antigen, PCR or at-home test any day after day 5 before returning.
- Testing beyond day 10 is not necessary.