
Application Process

Thank you for your interest in allowing Whole Earth Montessori to nurture and educate your child. Please review our application process below and get answers to frequently asked questions.

WEM “Open Campus” events are the best way to fully experience the culture at WEM. Each of our 8 classrooms are open to new and prospective families. WEM Parents, Students, Alumni, Administrative and Teaching staff will all be on-site to answer your individual questions and discuss our growing community. Want to find out about our upcoming open houses? Click here.

If you are unable to attend one of the WEM “Open Campus” events listed above, you may request to schedule an individualized tour of WEM during school hours. This is a wonderful way to get a first-hand glimpse of the Montessori methodology in action. Tours may only be scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and are by appointment only. Ready to book a tour? Click here.

For your child to be considered for enrollment at WEM you must complete and return an Application & Parent Questionnaire. These documents will help us understand your family’s goals for your child’s educational future. We use this information to then align your child with the classroom environment that best meets those unique needs. Ready to start your application? Click here.

Every one of our highly qualified and classically Montessori-trained teachers at WEM brings their unique personalities, teaching styles, and expertise to each of our classrooms. We strongly believe that having a diverse body of teachers works well to meet the needs of every child, and we are committed to aligning your child with the most appropriate classroom at WEM.

WEM is one of only a few Montessori schools in the State of Washington accredited by the American Montessori Society (AMS). Admission to WEM can be competitive, as the number of slots we have is limited each new school year. Priority enrollment first goes to current and returning WEM students completing their three-year cycle, our WEM graduates and their siblings, and students with previous Montessori experience. Incomplete applications will not be eligible for enrollment.

Preparing for Preschool

Students must be fully potty trained when starting at WEM (This means children must be able to use the toilet properly, clean themselves independently, and dress themselves with little or no help from their teacher. Pull-ups and diapers are not allowed.) Students must also be able to understand and be willing to cooperate with directions and instructions from staff. We ask families considering WEM for our early childhood programs to practice the following “practical life skills” with their children in preparation for their first school experience. This list is an excellent tool to track your child’s progress towards school readiness.

Admission FAQ

What is the student/teacher ratio?

11:1 at the Preschool & Kindergarten Levels

12:1 at the Elementary School Levels

Do you offer after-school care?

WEM offers an after-school program until 5:00 pm.

Do you provide a lunch service?

Due to the diversity of our community and the growing number of children and families with dietary preferences and restrictions, students at WEM bring their own lunches from home. However, we do provide a daily snack for the early childhood classrooms.

Do you provide transportation?

At this time, WEM does not offer transportation service for students to and from school.

Do you offer any discounts?

Sibling Discount WEM offers the following sibling discounts: A 7% discount will apply to the equal or lesser value of the tuition amount for a sibling concurrently enrolled at WEM. WEM offers a 3% discount on the third child enrolled (must have three children enrolled to qualify). This discount cannot be combined with the paid-in-full discount.

Paid in Full A 3% discount will apply to the Annual Tuition if paid in full by August 1st of the new school year.

What are your prerequisites for admission to WEM?

Students must be fully potty trained (This means children must be able to use the toilet properly, clean themselves independently, and dress themselves with little or no help from their teacher. Pull-ups and diapers are not allowed.)

Preschool students must be 2.8 by August 31st of the new school year.

Students must be willing to cooperate with directions and instructions from staff.

Kindergarten students must turn five by August 31st of the new school year.


The tuition covers WEM’s regular academic school calendar from September to June. Tuition policies ensure the school’s ability to operate on a sound fiscal basis at all times. WEM provides all in-class school supplies and materials.

WEM Enrollment Costs

Application Fee $100

This non-refundable fee is paid to WEM when you apply for the coming school year.

Enrollment Fee $150

Once accepted, this non-refundable fee is paid along with the remaining paperwork to complete your enrollment at WEM.

Material Fee $400

This fee is collected from each family at WEM and is used to replace the “consumables” in each classroom throughout the school year.

WEM Enrollment Costs
This non-refundable fee is paid to WEM when you apply for the coming school year.
Once accepted, this non-refundable fee is paid along with the remaining paperwork to complete your enrollment at WEM.
This fee is collected from each family at WEM and is used to replace the “consumables” in each classroom throughout the school year.
Program Costs (2025 - 2026)

Preschool (AM Session) $14,120

Monthly Cost: $1,412

Hours: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM 9 (or) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Preschool (Full-Day Session) $18,120

Monthly Cost: $1,812

Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM (or) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Kindergarten (Full-Day Session) $18,120

Monthly Cost: $1,812

Hours: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM (or) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Elementary (Grades 1-4) $19,700

Monthly Cost: $1,970

Hours: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM

WEM Program
Program Hours
Annual Cost
Monthly Cost
(AM Session)
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (or) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
8:30 AM – 3:00 PM (or) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
8:30 AM – 3:00 PM (or) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM
(Grades 1-4)
8:45 AM – 3:15 PM
After-School Care Program

WEM currently offers an after-school program until 5:00 PM for an additional fee of $500 per month. We are working on expanding our after-school program to include drop-in availability for the coming 2025-2026 school year.

Tuition FAQ

Does WEM offer Financial Aid?

A WEM education is an investment in your child’s future and requires financial planning and sacrifice for families. To that end, WEM can offer families who demonstrate financial need assistance from the Dianna Galante Education Fund, named for the school’s Founder. We use ISM FAST AID to evaluate a family’s ability to pay tuition based on income, net worth, housing costs, and cost of living. Please contact WEM to apply.

How does WEM determine admissions decisions?

Priority enrollment is given to current and returning WEM students completing the 3-year cycle, alumni and their siblings, and then to students with previous Montessori experience. Admission decisions for new families are primarily based on the parents’ long term commitment to the completion of WEM’s 3-year programs and dynamic classroom factors. Upon receipt, our admissions team will review your application and determine your acceptance status at WEM, accepted, not accepted, or placed on our active waitlist. If approved, you will receive all remaining paperwork to complete enrollment at WEM. We are committed to the principles of diversity. In that spirit, we do not discriminate in matters of admission or employment in violation of the law based on race, religion or creed, color, sexual orientation, age, physical challenge, the nation of origin, or gender. We consciously teach children to accept, respect and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the global community. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Does WEM have a wait list?

WEM often has more qualified applicants than we do spaces. When this occurs, and your child is placed on the school’s Active Waitlist, we notify you if a space becomes available. WEM’s Active Waitlist is not ranked. Based on the school’s needs, the Admissions team will contact Active Waitlist candidates on a case-by-case basis should spaces become available.

What is the cut-off age for admission?

Children must have turned age three by August 31 when the school year begins in September. Children must be independently able to use the restroom (fully toilet trained). Pull-ups and training diapers are not permitted in class. Students enrolling in full or extended day programs should be transitioning out of their daily afternoon “nap” routines. Children must also demonstrate a willingness to cooperate with the staff and other children and meet classroom expectations. Please note that WEM cannot hold your space without tuition payment at the beginning of each school year if your child is not fully potty trained and ready for school. To be eligible for Kindergarten, children must be age five by September 1st. 

How Are Classroom Assignments Handled?

WEM will place students with particular teachers based on WEM’s knowledge of the students and teachers, and feedback received from the new student questionnaire to provide the best learning environment for each child. Factors that may determine your child’s classroom placement beyond availability are maintaining equivalent age and gender ratios at each level, and the number of students enrolled at WEM. Where possible, WEM will consider specific teacher requests when making placement decisions. Still, there is no guarantee that your student will be assigned to the requested teacher. Teacher selections are generally made by August 1st, and the parents are notified in writing via email. If your child is not assigned to the specific teacher you requested, you may discuss your concerns with WEM. We are unable to guarantee that your student will be placed with a specially requested classroom or teacher.

Is tuition paid annually?

WEM offers both annual and monthly tuition payment plans. Annual tuition must be paid by August 1st and will be discounted by 3%. The monthly tuition schedule splits the annual fee into 10 equal payments, beginning in August and ending in May. These payments are due on the first of each month. All tuition payments are made online.

Is tuition offset based on the days of school a student attends?

Tuition is split into ten equal payments paid monthly. These are not payments made for a specific month of school and are not adjusted for illness, vacation, or months with fewer school days, such as in December. To retain your student’s spot at WEM, you are responsible for the monthly tuition payments for the duration of your child’s enrollment.

What is the withdrawal policy at WEM?

We require thirty days written notice if you intend to withdraw during the school year. The family will be responsible for any tuition payments due during that 30 day period, regardless of how many previous tuition payments have been made. Example: if you give notice to withdraw on October 15th, your withdrawal will be effective on November 15th, and you will be responsible for the November 1st tuition payment, as well as the August, September, and October payments that were previously made.

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